Choose A Job You Love, And Beggars Will Ask You To Work For Free (27 Choosing Beggars)

16. She wants to have her cake, and also charge for it too. Tsk tsk.

17. Ugh. It’s been there 1.5 billion years, the least it could do is wait another few days to perform its little trick.

18. I won’t settle!

19. This is what Mutual Aid is all about.

20. I shouldn’t have to pay for the convenience of a thing I just found out about.

21. Not a bad deal, honestly.

22. Shame. Shame. Shame!

23. Take my trash out.

24. Let’s collaborate on a big project where you make me rich.

25. An internship by any other name…

26. Remind me to pick up my free thing, please.

27. I refuse to pay money for products!!

h/t r/ChoosingBeggars

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