The “Sky Spiders.”

“Helicopters. I remember freaking out and crying if I saw one. They were like sky spiders.” –Anonymous3642
Navel-gazing can turn frightening.

“That the knot in my bellybutton would come undone and all my insides would leak out. I wish I was making this up. (I also realize now that your naval is not an actual knot)” –lucy_lu_2
Are you listening? One word. Just…one word…
“Quicksand.” –dmbcanddp
It shouldn’t be that scary. You just saw what was down there.
“Turn off the lights to the basement and then running up the stairs.” –bbob89
The very concept.
“The concept of eternity. I was raised Christian and was terrified of the idea of spending forever in either heaven or hell. Forever sounded scary.” –GreyishSunshine
Open doors at night.
“Could not sleep with my closet door open. I saw way too many movies with scary things in the closet, so I figured a shut door guaranteed my safety. I was a weird kid.” –secretagentsquirrel1
Oh yeah? Oh no!!
“The Kool-Aid Man. I was terrified he would burst through my bedroom wall in the middle of the night.” –daphneroxy39
h/t Reddit: r/AskReddit