32. Mmmm. Mama. What are you up to later?
“Pareidolia” is the term we’re looking for. It’s the tendency to see patterns where there are none. Humans are social animals. We crave the sight of faces. We’ll find them anywhere. That’s how literally every cartoon works.
As Scott McCloud explained in his brilliant Understanding Comics, you can add a couple of dots and a line to nearly any shape, and humans will perceive a face. That’s why Charlie Brown can look just as sad and frustrated as a photorealistic tattoo of Kanye that I may or may not have on my arm.
33. How many tiny people can this mower fit?
34. Mullet.
35. How is he sitting there?
36. Dressed up for the cold weather.
37. The baby arm is back again.
38. How many people are in this photo?
39. The greatest thing since sliced bread.
40. Which way is up?
41. Hello to my favorite muppet.
42. UFOs or a reflection?
43. Cats with huge mouths dot com.
44. Is she a giant or just bringing giant energy to this move?
45. RIP.
46. Count to three.
47. We’re in the future because there are floating cars.
48. How many legs do you count?
49. One foot?
50. The Grinch Cat.
h/t Reddit: r/confusing_perspective