Funny Pics Well It Looks Like *Almost* Everyone Got The Joke (25 Pics) by Dan 16. Smoking is bad but not as bad as being dumb. 17. Daddy, why don’t people get jokes. 18. Hmm? Care to explain? 19. Welp. 20. We know which game is better. 21. Please… help. 22. You love to see it. 23. What is happening in the original video though? 24. Origins of WAP. 25. Keep reading… h/t r/woooosh More funny moments that were not necessarily on purpose: 50 Signs That Are Intentionally Or Unintentionally Hilarious Well, That Sucks (50 Pics) 21 Foods Americans Eat That Non-Americans Find Disgusting Sometimes The Reply Is Funnier Than The Joke Itself (25 Pics) Page 2 of 2Previous page 12Next post