Fails 31 People Who, Aww Bless Their Hearts, Just Don’t “Get” Technology by Dan 16. Dad tried to print a video. 17. Vintage Adblocker Reddit 18. Too many tabs open. imgur 19. Woops! 20. “Traveling with my mom. Saw her phone, and investigated. Informed her that she used the screen protector’s throwaway film instead of the actual screen protector. She literally used trash as a screen protector.” imgur 21. Tried to wash my pillow. 22. Grandma called and asked why the mouse was malfunctioning. 23. “Looks great, Mom.” 24. No space for this in my life. 25. This is a success story. 26. Wait until she finds out how many pictures it can display. 27. Grandma took her first selfie. Reddit 28. Nana’s favorite websites… Reddit 29. Thank you, Google. 30. Gotta get a photo of this. 31. Another reason you shouldn’t eat in bed. Page 2 of 2Previous page 12Next post