People Are Sharing The Popular Things They Can’t Seem To Relate To

16. What did you do then, you nerd?!

“Sneaking booze out of your parents’ liquor cabinet. I hear stories about teens doing that, and there was plenty of access in my house, but I never touched it.” –PlasticineRobot

17. Not everyone is into that.

“Wanting to be/get pregnant, id rather just not.” –buIIshitbot

18. Even golf??

“Watching sports. I’ve got nothing against it I just don’t care.” –KhunPhaen

19. You’ve got time.

“Wanting to settle down by your 30s.” –d4wnn

20. Let me live.

“No elbows on the table. Excuse the shit out of me for trying to be comfortable.” –Gubble_Buppie

21. The stars… they’re nothing like us.

“Preoccupation with lives of celebrities. Why? Why do people read about it or want to know what someone did today?” –CodeVirus

22. I can’t relate to this person.

“Casual sex with someone I don’t know.” –getsnuked

23. That one goes ‘vroom!’

“People who can identify cars by make and model just by sight.

Outside of Jeeps and Volkswagens, I simply have no clue what different manufacturers look like. If you asked me to describe a car, I’d probably only be able to give you its color.” –Dahhhkness

24. For the best.

“Facebook.” –wehosh

25. Bad habits that won’t die out.

“Smoking, nearly everyone in my family and all my friends smoke.” –PrinceGubbleBum

26. Well… good for you!

“I’m an office worker. I like my job and coworkers.” –iamtellingyoustories

27. Having fun responsibly.

“Over consuming alcohol…..

I’ll have 2, sometimes 3 drinks. I’m done.

I don’t want to puke, I don’t want to feel queasy and have a headache tomorrow. And I damn sure don’t want to lose my license and go to jail.” –server_busy

28. When your brain refuses to do it.

“We people say “imagine/picture this” I can’t picture it at all. Picture a pink elephant riding a bike, me – nope just a whole lot of black nothingness”

29. No, thank you.

“The cultural obsession with shows, movies, books, documentaries about serial killers.” –raalic

30. The written word is dead.

“Autographs… Why would anyone want someone’s autograph? It’s literally someone writing their name on something… Why is that interesting?Standing in line, waiting for some likely stranger to anoint you with their john hancock so that you may keep it forever as a momentum of, what?! Why is that special? Why do you want this and what will you do with it?” –Garbagegirl13

31. I’m feeling this one.

“Forgetting to eat. Like how do you forget?

To me it’s as automatic as blinking. You rarely forget to blink right?” –Jim_from_snowy_river

32. No substitutions.

“People using Miracle Whip instead of regular mayonnaise, what is wrong with you people?” –Kalkaline

33. Proud to be a person from where I’m from where at least I know I’m there.


You didn’t choose where you were born. You likely didn’t have an impact in any of the things that make your country great. Some of you haven’t even been to another country.

Ita just tribalism to me and I just don’t get it.” –marcred5


“I went to a big 10 college, I swear everyone was having the time of their life but me. I couldn’t wait to graduate.” –puppycat69

35. You said it.

“Small talk.” –ushortround

h/t Reddit: r/askreddit