31 Crazy Items People Actually Tried To Sell Online

The internet has everything, and that’s often a problem. No one should be selling any of the items on this list. The products either belong in the trash or in the seller’s garage where they can keep them safe and never show them to another living soul. The items for sale online are too weird and scary to have ever been bought with human money.

Facebook was a mistake. I think we all know that now. The Facebook Marketplace, however, was an even bigger mistake. Once, I used it to buy Magic: The Gathering cards. As a 28-year-old man. If that’s not reason enough to banish it from existence, I don’t know what is.

No one on the internet has shame. Especially, it seems, people trying to make a little money.

Here are the strangest things people ever tried to sell online:


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos


Crazy items people tried to sell, Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, funny online sellers, wtf products available on the internet, funny photos