Unpopular opinions are thoughts and ideas that go against the status quo. Sometimes it may be hard to share those unpopular opinions because of potential judgment from others but we’re all entitled to our opinion right?
Who knows, they might even have a point . Unpopular opinions can be as simple as liking pineapple on pizza or putting ketchup on a hotdog but there’s usually someone out there who feels the same way.
There’s a place online for people to share their unpopular opinions with the world and some of them are, well, interesting to say the least.
1. “Salt and Vinegar chips are better than both sour cream & onion and barbecue chips.”
2. “It’s super fucked up that male victims of sexual assault are only talked about as an argument against women.”
3. “Being too cold is WAY better than being too warm.”
4. “Until sentenced, the name, face, and information of the accused should not be released publicly.”
5. “Just because he is bipolar doesn’t make Kanye West any less of an asshole.”
6. “Restaurants that have pictures of their dishes on the menu are awesome and should be totally normalized.”
7. “Pedophiles who are trying to get help are brave.”
8. “It’s totally ok to play video games on the easiest setting to enjoy the storyline.”
9. “The way Americans talk about “The Founding Fathers” as if they’re some sacred Gods who had it all figured out 200 years ago is very weird and cringey.”
10. “People are always concerned about the planet we’re leaving for our kids, but nobody cares about what kind of kids we’re leaving for the planet.”
11. “Eating cereal with water is better than with milk.”
12. “Kids who succeed academically deserve scholarships more than kids who are good at sports.”
13. “The buff teenagers played by twenty-year-olds are incredibly detrimental to teenager’s self-esteem.”
14. “As a healthcare worker, I find clapping extremely cringy. This is literally our job. Stop glorifying us.”
15. “I’m 100% OK with homeless people using my money for booze and cigarettes.”
16. “Vanilla is not “plain.” It IS a flavor, and it’s a damn good one too”
17. “If Will Smith had cheated on Jada the internet would crucify him, but since it was the other way around people are making fun of him.”
18. “Digital copies of games should be far cheaper than physical copies.”
19. “Not learning (or worse, not teaching your kids) to swim is one of the absolute stupidest things you could do.”
20. “Amazon could really use a “filter out Chinese sellers” option.”
21. “I’m so fucking tired of being forced to care about everything all at once.”
22. “You don’t need to love your career. You just need to be able to tolerate it so you can finance doing what you love.”
23. “News should be a dry recitation of facts. If it isn’t, then it’s an opinion intended to stir your emotions into clouding your judgment.”
24. “Backstories should not be allowed on America’s got Talent and other similar shows.”
25. “It’s so fucked up that talking to kids is now taboo.”
26. “Men’s mental health is a joke to everyone and it’s really disheartening as a mom to two boys.”
27. “Once someone agrees with you and acknowledges their mistake, that’s your cue to shut up.”
28. “Automakers should stop replacing buttons with massive touchscreens.”
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29. “Elon Musk isn’t a good person.”
30. “True gender equality will be marked by nonchalance towards, not celebration of gender.”
31. “The night before a day off work is way better than the actual day off.”
32. “I would rather date someone with no social media presence than someone who posts several selfies a day across multiple social media platforms.”
33. “If you don’t want to donate your organs after you die; you shouldn’t be allowed to receive donated organs.”
34. “Most soldiers do not “fight for our rights” but rather fight for money, a career, or by compulsion from a draft.”
35. “Nobody should have to work 1/3rd of their lives, for over 40 years, to retire at ~60 just to finish off whatever is left of their lives.”
36. “One of the biggest failings of modern education is managing to convince a whole generation that Wikipedia is an unreliable source.”
37. “Broccoli is fucking delicious and I don’t understand people who don’t like it.”
38. “Caller ID should be mandatory. No person or organization should be able to hide behind “unknown caller”. If you have access to my phone number and have chosen to contact me, I should have a right to know who you are.”
39. “There is absolutely no goddamn reason why you should have 10 kids.”
40. “Making fun of men who lose their hair because of male pattern baldness is body shaming.”
41. “I am sick to death of hearing about the United States of America, I couldn’t care any less about that country.”
42. “It doesn’t matter how much you like his music, Tekashi 69 slept with a 13-year-old, and by listening to his music you are lining the pockets of a rapist.”
43. “I’m not telling my kids to never hit girls.”
44. “Dear Parents Whose Adult Children Don’t Talk To Them – It’s Always Your Fault.”
45. “When I’m old and unable to care for myself, I want to be taken care of by professionals, not burden my children who will have their own families to care for.”
46. “Choosing to terminate a pregnancy because the child would be handicapped is reasonable.”
47. “If I catch a baseball at a Major League game and you send your kid over, you’re the ass hole, not me.”
48. “It should be illegal for a company to list an entry-level job as requiring 3-5 years experience, the very definition of an entry-level job is no experience needed.”
49. “Fuck you if you record yourself giving things to homeless people.”
50. “Telling a guy to “man up” is the same as telling a woman to “get back in the kitchen”