What can you say about fruit? It’s one of the few foods that objectively tastes better when it’s freeze-dried or juiced. Can’t do that with steak. Or cereal. No one wants puréed pasta unless they are a baby, and even then. Thankfully, people took to Twitter because of a viral thread arguing which fruits are “bottom tier fruits.” Hopefully, you agree with one or two. I think it’s safe to say we can all pick one we can do without.
Some of these hot takes on fruit are straight-up blasphemy. God put that fruit on the earth for you to enjoy, and then a human made it more palatable, and still, you scoff? How dare you? However, other opinions on things like grapefruit made me laugh while also making me think that I could probably go the rest of my life without eating one again.
Let us know which ones you hate.