61. “This floor molding.”
62. “My sister was just served this at a local Mexican restaurant.”
63. “Not the painter’s job to remove gum”
64. “Yes boss, I installed the new bathroom doors.”
65. “Should we tow the car boss? Not our job, leave it…”
66. I now understand the phrase “close enough for government work”
67. Ready to print, boss!
68. Not the proofreader’s job.
69. Must be the same proofreader from 68…
70. Installed the sign, boss!
71. “OK what the fuck”
72. You get the field done Jerry? “Yep all done boss”
73. “Words in here ghghg hg hgh ghg hgh ghg…”
74. “Worried? Give them a call”
75. “Now we have a way to better communicate with our Spanish-speaking customers!”
76. Extra cheese? You got it!
77. “Left The Note, Boss”
78. “Fixed that support column, boss!”
79. “ok. so how do I use this stuff?”
80. “My mom only replaced half the picture wheel. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 are me. The rest are stock pictures.”
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