Parents don’t get enough credit. Sure, there are bad ones. But they hang out with children for long stretches of the day. Frankly, that would drive anyone nuts. The parents who choose to report what their children have said to them via Twitter are heroes. They haven’t seen their friends in weeks. I fear this is their only outlet, and we’re all better for having heard how their kids insulted them.
If you’ve never been roasted by a child, let me tell you: it hits home. Every time I see my nieces, they remind me of how fat I’ve gotten. I wasn’t vain until I met a bouncy toddler who grabbed my stomach fat and said “it’s like pizza dough.” That’s enough to go to the gym every day for a year. Alas, I won’t do that. However, it’s the thought that counts.
If you have kids, these funny tweets will be relatable. If you don’t have kids, this will be a reminder why you don’t have them.