30 Deep Thoughts About Weddings That Are Making Me Rethink Getting Married

16. Choose wisely.

“Somewhere a guy is sleeping over at a new girlfriends house. He has fallen asleep and has unknowingly decided his side of the bed for the rest of the relationship and potentially marriage!” –jrw6736

17. My advice is: don’t do this. Still, it’s true.

“You can refer to your wife as your ex girlfriend and still be right.” –firegate2233

18. Wow. My mind is blown.

happy couple kissing married, Funny wedding shower thoughts, Funny marriage thoughts, observations about getting married, wedding photos

“100% of all divorces started with marriage.” –FreeTuckerCase

19. This is why I take photos of random couples there.

“Airports have seen more sincere kisses than wedding halls.” –nitinsingh7132

20. Tell it to Jen and Ben.

“We say “marriage is forever” but divorce is definitely more forever.” –mediumchunky

21. Amazing if true.

“If you get married in Japan then fly to Hawaii and immediately die after you land, your marriage certificate will be dated after your death certificate.” –PLUMBUM2

22. I say “fives” whenever I leave a room in case someone is thinking of taking her.

“Marriage is the adult version of calling dibs.” –thinker111111

23. I remain a virgin.

“If sex before marriage is forbidden and sex with a family member is forbidden, that makes sex after marriage forbidden.” –bobsyauncle1993

24. This is likely true.

“Whoever said that rain on your wedding day is good luck was just trying to calm down an anxious bride.” –bob_loblaw1999

25. I’ve made my choice and I’m sticking to it.

married couple walking on pier, Funny wedding shower thoughts, Funny marriage thoughts, observations about getting married, wedding photos

“Saying yes on your wedding day is saying no to 7.53 billion people.” –22_miran

26. Wanna bet?

“Marriage is betting someone half of what you own that you’ll love each other for ever.” –_gilxn_

27. Best-case scenario.

“A successful marriage ends with watching the other person die.” –WhiteVanilla69


“Marriage is one of the few things where we consider someone an expert if they’ve only successfully done it once.” –wehappy3

29. Here’s why I’ve already broken all the plates.

“One milestone of a healthy marriage is when your wedding gifts begin wearing out and breaking down.” –LordRupertEverton84


“People get so focused on their wedding that they forget there’s an actual marriage afterwards.” –unicornhunter72
