45 People Who Picked Hilarious Ways To Quit Their Jobs

Simply saying “I quit” might feel satisfying. Honestly, anytime I’ve said it, I was nervous and felt like I was throwing away my whole career. And that’s when I worked at Denny’s. Other people, however, seem to relish the idea of quitting, and when the day finally comes, they execute plans both petty and hilarious. These funny people gave us all a gift by quitting their jobs in ways I never would. The world is better with them in it.

We all need money to live. Well, some people are off the grid completely, and live in a self-sustaining cabin in the woods. For those of us who want to live in a building (that I guess could collapse at any moment), we need to be employed. Then, we can use our money to pay someone who also hates their job to do some work for us. On and on, until we’re all murdering each other in the imminent Climate Wars.

Anyway, this post will cheer you up if you regularly fantasize about quitting your job.

Here are the funniest and most elaborate ways people have quit their jobs:

1. When a big box retail worker just can’t take it anymore.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

2. My buddy quit his job at the gas station.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

3. Saw this at Bed Bath & Beyond.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

4. My friend’s resignation “letter.” (This one is positive!)

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5. “So, my brother-in-law has resigned from his 9-to-5 job in spectacular fashion. Jerry Maguire meets Masterchef.”

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

6. This is how you quit.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

7. “My two-week notice.”

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8. Coworkers also can find creative ways to congratulate you on quitting: This employee left Google for Bing and his coworkers made this cake.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit


Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

10. Seems random, but in a way it’s sweet.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

11. One of my co-workers quit today. We found this on his desktop.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

12. I just quit my job the best way I know how.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

13. People at a store at my mall got fed up with the way their manager treated them.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

14. “A co-worker posted pictures of himself in random places when he quit. This is the back of a clock, and he quit 2 years ago.”

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

15. My husband’s letter of resignation.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

16. I quit my current job for a better one. This is how I’m leaving the griddle for them in the morning.

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17. Last day at work.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

18. Is this a Midsommar cake?

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

19. The other day I handed in my resignation poem informing CVS of my last day and giving them my two weeks notice (Yes, as a poem)…

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20. Deliciously quitting.

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21. “You are the devil.”

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

22. This is how you quit your s****y third shift gas station job.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

23. I quit my job today…

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

24. Flushed.

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25. How sweet!

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

26. When management doesn’t listen…

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27. See ya!

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

28. Rickrolling on the way out.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

29. The Chipotle in downtown State College is closed after employees left this note about sweatshops.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit

30. A fine treat indeed.

Funny people who quit their jobs in creative ways, funny pictures of people quitting their job, bad bosses, I quit cake, lol, reddit